I'm a determined, aspiring, and conscientious individual with a constant eagerness to learn, self-improve and who has developed a mature positive responsible approach to any task I am presented with. I provide an analytic edge and a steady focused mind.
I have worked at WhereIsMyTransport as an Assistant Team Leader. My roles were, not limited to, to ensure that data collectors had routes to map for the day, to ensure that they had enough money for the day. I was also assigned to the role of data validator, which means that I had to check each route mapped by data collectors and decide, based on agreed criteria, whether it was good or not.
My projectsThe first Nobel Prize was handed out in 1901, and at that time the prize was Eurocentric and male-focused, but nowadays it's not biased in any way. Surely, right? Well, let's find out! What characteristics do the prize winners have? Which country gets it most often? And has anybody gotten it twice? Let's find out...